Partner WOD
Strength/Skill: Cleans
WOD: Team of 2 For Time 50 Wallballs (RX-20/14, L2-16/10, L1-10/6) 40 Deadlifts (RX-135/95, L2-95/65, L1-65/35) 30 Burpees Over The Bar 20 STO (RX-135/95, L2-95/65, L1-65/35) 30 Burpees Over The Bar 40 Deadlifts (RX-135/95, L2-95/65, L1-65/35) 50 Wallballs (RX-20/14, L2-16/10, L1-10/6) *If there is an odd person then let that person do half the reps or add reps for a team of 3.