Gold Tastes So Good
Strength/Skill: Jerk
WOD: For Time 10 Toes To Bar (L2-Leg Swings, L1-Sit Ups) 10 Power Snatch (RX-95/65, L2-65/35, L1-35/15) 200M run 20 Toes To Bar (L2-Leg Swings, L1-Sit Ups) 10 Power Snatch (RX-95/65, L2-65/35, L1-35/15) 400M run 30 Toes To Bar (L2-Leg Swings, L1-Sit Ups) 10 Power Snatch (RX-95/65, L2-65/35, L1-35/15) 800M run