Lets Lunge
Strength/Skill: Snatch WOD: 3 Rounds For Time 12 Alternating Arm DB Snatches (RX-45/30, L2-25/15, L1-10/5) 15 Overhead Walking...

Last Call For 16.5
The box will be open at 1:30pm for last call to do open WOD 16.5

Partner WOD / 16.5
Come at 10am to work on a skill, lift or make up a WOD. We'll start judging 16.5 at 11:00am

Picking A CrossFit Gym
Picking a CrossFit Gym I decided to write this because I have a good friend that lives in Dallas that is having a hard time finding a...

WOD: For Time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Thrusters (RX-95/65, L2-65/45, L1-45/25) Bar Facing Burpees

What Will 16.5 Be?
Skills/Strength: Skills WOD: 9-15-21 KB Swings (RX-53/35, L2-35/26, L1-26/18) Burpees To Target *Rest 2 Minutes 21-15-9 Goblet...