Open Gym
We're going to change it up a bit and do open gym from 8:00am to 10:00am today.

Lets Go Up
Strength/Skill: Rope Climbs WOD: 4 Rounds For Time 10 KB Goblet Squats (RX-53/35, L2-35/28, L1-26/18) 12 Medball Sit Ups...

8-12-15 For 12
Strength/Skill: Overhead Squat Complex WOD: Amrap 12 50 Double Unders (L2-25DU, L1-15DU/100 Singles) 8 Thrusters (RX-95/65, L2-65/35,...

Pew Pew
Strength/Skill: Pistols WOD: 2 Rounds For Time Run 400M 50 Wallballs (RX-20/14, L2-16/10, L1-10/6) 25 Burpees

Another Win
Strength/Skill: Clean & Jerk WOD: For Time 21-15-9 Power Cleans (RX-135/95, L2-95/65, L1-65/35) 30-20-10 Pull ups (L2-Bands,...

Closed Today
We will not be opened today. We'll be closed to the Team Take over at the Arlington Convention Center.

Super Powers
Strength/Skill: Cleans WOD: Amrap10 5 Squat Snatch(RX-155/105, L2-115/85, L1-75/35) 5 Burpee To 6' Target

Running Jackie
Strength/Skill: Double Unders WOD: Running Jackie 800M Run (L1-600M) 50 Thrusters (RX-45, L2-35, L1-25/15) 30 Pull ups...

Double 3 Rounder
Strength/Skill: Back Squat WOD: 3 Rounds For Time: 50 Double Unders (L2-25DU, L1-10DU/30 Singles) 8 Power Clean (RX-155/105,...

It's A Ninja!!
Strength/Skill: Interval Work WOD: Amrap 12 3-6-9-12-15 and so on Deadlifts (RX-275/185, L2-205/125, L1-135/85) Box Jumps...